This is Peggy Chiang
#Team Player · #Meaningful · #Thought Provoking
I'm Peggy Chiang, a product designer passionate about creating meaningful digital experiences that connect people and businesses. With 5+ years of experience in UI/UX design, data application, and streamlined design, I focus on solving clients' problems. I'm skilled in user research and value effective communication and problem-solving as a team player.
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Outside of work, I'm committed to continuous learning and growth through UX book clubs, design-related sharing sessions,and online courses.
As I explore Canada, I look forward to integrating North American culture with user experience to create innovative digital experiences.
UX meetup at Canada
I have always been curious about UX events abroad, so I have taken the opportunity to participate in local courses and meetups to gain insights into the industry operations and cultural exchange in different countries. Not only does this experience enhance my English skills, but it also leads to new discoveries with every interaction.